Purpose: To examine the attitudes of a self-selected sample of Canadian physical therapists toward the transition from bachelor's to master's degrees and the implementation of clinical doctorate degrees in physical therapy (PT). Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a modified Dillman tailored approach. All eligible members of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) were invited to participate. Results: Of 1,397 Canadian physical therapists who responded to the survey, 45% favoured the transition from bachelor's to master's degrees, 21% did not, and 34% were neutral; 27% favoured a transition from a master's to a doctoral degree for entry into practice in PT, 53% did not favour this transition, and 20% were neutral. Finally, 56% favoured the implementation of a post-professional clinical doctorate (PPCD) in PT, 23% did not, and 21% were neutral. Conclusions: Overall, a selfselected sample of Canadian physical therapists supported the future implementation of a post-professional clinical doctorate degree in PT but did not support an entry-to-practice doctoral degree. However, these results must be interpreted with caution because of the study's small sample size.Key Words: career choice; education; research; universities.
RÉ SUMÉObjectif : Analyser les attitudes d'un é chantillon autochoisi de physiothé rapeutes au sujet du passage du baccalauré at à la maîtrise et de l'application de doctorats cliniques en physiothé rapie (PT). Mé thodes : On a procé dé à une é tude transversale basé e sur une straté gie Dillman personnalisé e modifié e. Tous les membres admissibles de l'Association canadienne de physiothé rapie (ACP) ont é té invité s à participer. Ré sultats : Sur 1 397 physiothé rapeutes qui ont ré pondu au questionnaire, 45% é taient pour la transition du baccalauré at à la maîtrise, 21% é taient contre et 34% é taient neutres; 27% é taient pour une transition de la maîtrise au doctorat au niveau dé butant en physiothé rapie, 53% é taient contre et 20% é taient neutres. Enfin 56% é taient pour la mise en oeuvre d'un doctorat clinique postprofessionnel (DCPP) en PT, 23% é taient contre et 21% é taient neutres. Conclusions : Dans l'ensemble, un é chantillon autosé lectionné de physiothé rapeutes a appuyé la mise en oeuvre future d'un doctorat clinique postprofessionnel en PT mais n'appuyait pas le doctorat au niveau dé butant. Il faut toutefois interpré ter ces ré sultats avec prudence à cause de la petite taille de l'é chantillon qui a servi à l'é tude.