We consider the goal of ensuring robust stability when a given manipulator feedback control law is modified online, for example, to safely improve the performance by a learning module. To this end, the factorization approach is applied to both the plant and controller models to characterize robustly stabilizing controllers for rigid-body manipulators under approximate inverse dynamics control. Outer-loop controllers to stabilize the nonlinear uncertain loop that results from approximate inverse dynamics are often derived by lumping uncertainty in a single term and subsequent analysis of the error system. Here, by contrast, the well-known norm bounds of these uncertain dynamics are first recast into a generalized plant configuration that preserves the characteristic uncertainty structure. Then, the overall loop uncertainty is expressed with respect to the nominal outer-loop feedback controller by means of an uncertain dual-Youla operator. Therefore, using the dual-Youla parameterization, we provide a novel way to rigorously quantify permissible perturbations of robot manipulator feedforward/feedback controllers. The method proposed in this paper does not constitute another robust control law for rigid-body manipulators, but rather a characterization of a set of robustly stabilizing controllers. The resulting double-Youla parameterization for the control of robot manipulators is amenable to numerous advanced design methods. The result is thoroughly discussed by a planar elbow manipulator and exemplified with a six-degree-of-freedom robot scenario with varying payload. KEYWORDS approximate inverse dynamics, dual-Youla parameterization, robust robot manipulator control, robust/adaptive control, uncertainty quantification
INTRODUCTIONOperating conditions of robot manipulators change over time, impairing the control performance, for example, by wear, varying load, etc. To adapt the controller to such situations, a variety of data-driven methods have been proposed in the literature, including adaptive and learning control. [1][2][3][4] In practice, however, very simple feedback controllers and model-based architectures are prevalent.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.