Multi-layer ceramic capacitors (MLCC), typically comprising multiple layers of BaTiO 3 or similar ceramic dielectric material, are a vital component of modern electronics. Smartphones and computers can contain thousands of MLCC devices, and altogether several trillion units are produced annually with a global market of more than 6 billion USD. 1 Persistent demands for continuous improvement of manufacturing costs, performance, reliability, and size 2, 3 thus provide a rich opportunity for materials solutions. Ongoing efforts worldwide aim at elevating the properties of the MLCCs through enhancement of the dielectric constant via epitaxy 4 , interface engineering, 5, 6 compositional and crystallographic microstructural control 7 , or even optimally sized, and aligned nanocubes. 8,9 Additionally, reduction of the dielectric layer thickness in order to maximize charge storage and volume efficiency has led MLCC devices rapidly toward the nanoscale regime, 10 where quantum and size effects, and an increased relevance of charge injection phenomena, present both new challenges and opportunities for device functionality.The development of nanomaterials-based solutions to meet such global-scale challenges necessitates highresolution approaches for mapping local materials properties. To this end, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) is a particularly suitable variation of Atomic Force Microscopy because of its sensitivity to local surface potentials or charges with nanoscale lateral resolution. KPFM has previously been employed for identifying voltage distributions, 11-14 secondary phases, 15-17 distinct surface orientations or reconstructions, [16][17][18] conduction pathways, 19 surface charges, 20, 21 degradation, 22 and photocarrier