this article, the synthesis, characterization, and cyclic voltammetry
(CV) measurements are reported for ferrocene-terminated oligophenyleneimine
(OPI_Fc) and ferrocene-terminated conjugation-broken oligophenyleneimine
(CB-OPI_Fc) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) in two different electrolytes,
namely, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium-bis (trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl)
imide (EMITFSI) ionic liquid and tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate
(Bu4NPF6) in acetonitrile (0.1 M solution).
The SAMs were synthesized on Au surfaces by the sequential imine condensation
reactions. CV was used to investigate the kinetics of electron transfer
(ET) to the ferrocene, and it was observed that the standard ET rate
constant (k
0) is a strong function of
the electrolyte nature as well as the chemical composition of the
SAM. Interestingly, when 0.1 M Bu4NPF6 in acetonitrile
was used as the electrolyte, all of the SAMs exhibited quite similar k
0 values. However, in the case of the ionic
liquid, we found that k
0 dramatically
varies for each SAM and trends as OPI 6_Fc > CB3-OPI 6_Fc >
6_Fc > CB3,5-OPI 6_Fc. We also examined the temperature dependence
of ET kinetics for OPI 2_Fc, OPI 4_Fc, OPI 8_Fc, CB3-OPI 6_Fc, CB5-OPI
6_Fc, and CB3,5-OPI 6_Fc SAMs in EMITFSI ionic liquid. It was found
that the activation energies of the ET in these SAMs are very similar
(∼0.2 eV). Moreover, it was observed that ln k
0 varies linearly with the molecular length for three
SAMs, OPI 2_Fc, OPI 4_Fc, and OPI 8_Fc. These findings suggest that
the ET to the ferrocene in OPI_Fc and CB-OPI _Fc SAMs takes place
via a direct tunneling mechanism.