Sheet molding compounds (SMC) are ready-to-mold thermoset composite materials reinforced with discontinuous fibers, usually compression molded.Finite element (FE) based compression molding tools can be employed to optimize this process; FE tools require to define material models using raw material data measured through different characterization techniques. In this study, the cure kinetics of an epoxy-based carbon fiber SMC has been characterized by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and moving die rheometer (MDR) techniques. Based on these datasets, Claxton-Liska and Kamal-Souror models have been set and the compression molding of a validation plate was performed, both experimentally and virtually. The results indicate that, even if both characterization techniques are valid for SMC curing characterization, MDR technique enables the characterization of the material at real molding temperatures and the model based on MDR leads to more accurate results.