In photoinduced molecular reaction dynamics, the effects of electronic charge redistribution can lead to multiple pathways that are determined by the nature of the initial structures involved and the environment the molecule of interest is studied in. The β-diketones are a common example of this complexity. They show keto−enol tautomerism that is almost totally shifted toward the enolic form. However, compared to the gas phase, the photochemistry proceeds completely differently by virtue of the solvent environment for these compounds, which are used in commercial sunscreen agents due to a high absorption in the ultraviolet (UV) and fast deactivation processes. We disclose these dynamics by investigating three symmetrical β-diketones in various solvents. To observe these effects on an ultrafast time scale directly in the UV spectral region where the relevant electronic transitions take place, we have developed and employed femtosecond transient absorption with detection capability in the deep UV. Our studies confirm that electronic excitation of the chelated enol form does not lead to any ultrafast photochemistry other than proton transfer followed by rotamerization. The formation of the nonchelated conformers takes place on a picosecond time scale through a dark state, whereas the recovery to the stable chelated enol form is a comparably slow process.
■ INTRODUCTIONDerivatives of β-diketones are of great importance in diverse research fields by virtue of several remarkable chemical features that lead to a variety of applications. 1 For example, they are widely employed as chelating agents due to their binding affinity for transition metals, 1 or they are even contained in commercial sunscreen products 2−4 owing to the fast deactivation processes after ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. The most prominent property of β-diketones is their keto−enol tautomerism that is shifted almost totally toward the enolic form. 5−7 With structural similarities to relevant biomolecules and photochromic substances on the one hand, and the molecules' own versatility in combination with their structural simplicity on the other hand, small β-diketones are prototypical candidates for a systematic study of the photoinduced processes and the subsequent deactivation channels upon which the wide applicability of β-diketones is based.C o m p o u n d s l i k e β -d i k e t o n e s o f t y p e R−C(O)−CH 2 −C(O)−R, where R = H, CH 3 , have drawn continuous attention from chemists and physicists of different research areas because of the pronounced keto−enol tautomerism that is observable (and exploitable) in the gas 5,8 and the liquid phase 6,9 and even in isolated cryogenic matrices. 7,10 The reason for the stabilization of the enolic form is an intramolecular H-bond, coupled with a π-electronic delocalization over the O−C−C−C−O pseudocycle (see Scheme 1). The two simplest and smallest structures exhibiting the central six membered ring closed by the intramolecular Hbond in the chelated enol (CE) form are the compounds malonaldehyde (M...