Nonlinear response in a material increases with its index of refraction as n4. Commonly, n ~ 1 so that diffraction, dispersion, and chromatic walk-off limit nonlinear scattering. Ferroelectric crystals with a periodic 3D polarization structure overcome some of these constraints through versatile Cherenkov and quasi-phase-matching mechanisms. Three-dimensional self-structuring can also lead to a giant optical refraction. Here, we perform second-harmonic-generation experiments in KTN:Li in conditions of giant broadband refraction. Enhanced response causes wavelength conversion to occur in the form of bulk Cherenkov radiation without diffraction and chromatic walk-off, even in the presence of strong wave-vector mismatch and highly focused beams. The process occurs with a wide spectral acceptance of more than 100 nm in the near infrared spectrum, an ultra-wide angular acceptance of up to ±40∘, with no polarization selectivity, and can be tuned to allow bulk supercontinuum generation. Results pave the way to highly efficient and adaptable nonlinear optical devices with the promise of single-photon-to-single-photon nonlinear optics.