The experimental methodology for structural femtochemistry of reactions is considered. With the extension of femtosecond transition-state spectroscopy to the diffraction regime, it is possible to obtain in a general way the tratiectories of chemical reactions (change of internuclear separations with time) on the femtosecond time scale. This method, considered here for simple alkali halide dissociation, promises many applications to more complex reactions and to conformational changes. Alignment on the time scale of the experiments is also discussed.Over the last 6 years, progress has been made in probing the femtosecond chemistry (femtochemistry) of isolated reactions in real time (for reviews, see refs. 1 and 2). The temporal dynamics of the nuclear motion are resolved on the femtosecond time scale and, hence, bond breaking and bond forming processes can be observed as reagents change to products in the transition state and transition-state region (3). Studies of elementary reactions in gas phase and molecular beams have so far included the following dynamical processes (2): bond dissociation, resonance oscillation, bound motion, and saddle-point transition states. With picosecond resolution (and soon femtosecond), the formation of a product in a bimolecular reaction was also studied in real time (1, 2). Recently, the femtosecond dynamics of autoionization (4) and of highly excited molecules (5) have been examined by using these techniques.The success of these experiments relies on the use of femtosecond optical pump and probe pulses combined with very sensitive gas phase and molecular beam detection techniques, laser-induced fluorescence, and multiphoton ionization/mass spectrometry. These femtosecond transitionstate spectroscopies (FTS) (1, 2) enable one to identify the fragment molecules both in the course of the reaction (transition states) and as they become free (nascent products). Absorption kinetics of the fragments on the subpicosecond time scale has also been introduced to study dissociation in the gas phase (ref. 6 and
references therein).In all of the FTS experiments, the key advance lies in the ability to probe the transition region of chemical reactions by monitoring changes in the potential energy with time. Much theoretical work by many research groups (see references in the reviews of refs. 1 and 2) has been done to compare with experiments and to learn about details of the dynamics and the potential energy surface. In a simple reaction involving two (and three) atoms, theory has been tested for experiments probing the temporal dynamics of the motion, the nature of the wave packet at different times, and the potential energy as a function of internuclear separation. Recently, Mokhtari et al. (7) have reported on an experimental method for obtaining the trajectories of the changes of the internuclear distance of the reaction coordinate [one, R(t), in this case] with time. For more complex reactions, a general method is needed for obtaining R(t) on the multidimensional potential energy ...