Multi-membered O,S-heterocycles R 0691Direct Heterocyclization of Benzocrown Ethers. -Novel crown ether derivatives fused to 3,4-dihydroisoquinoline are synthesized via reaction of benzocrown ethers (I) with aldehydes and cyanide derivatives. -(SHKLYAEV, Y. V.; GORBUNOV, A. A.; ROZHKOVA, Y. S.; VSHIVKOVA, T. S.; VAZHENIN, V. V.; MAIOROVA, O. A.; TOLSTIKOV, A. G.; DEMBITSKY*, V. M.; Heteroat. Chem. 16 (2005) 3, 192-195; Dep. Org. Chem., Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem 91904, Israel; Eng.) -H. Toeppel 37-167