Let i : X → P N be a projective manifold of dimension n embedded in projective space P N , and let L be the pull-back to X of the line bundle O P N (1). We construct global explicit Koppelman formulas on X for smooth (0, * )-forms with values in L s for any s. The same construction works for singular, even non-reduced, X of pure dimension, if the sheaves of smooth forms are replaced by suitable sheaves A * X of (0, * )-currents with mild singularities at Xsing. In particular, if s ≥ reg X − 1, where reg X is the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, we get an explicit representation of the well-known vanishing of H 0,q (X, L s−q ), q ≥ 1. Also some other applications are indicated.