DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05330-1
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Direct imaging of structural changes induced by ionic liquid gating leading to engineered three-dimensional meso-structures

Abstract: The controlled transformation of materials, both their structure and their physical properties, is key to many devices. Ionic liquid gating can induce the transformation of thin-film materials over long distances from the gated surface. Thus, the mechanism underlying this process is of considerable interest. Here we directly image, using in situ, real-time, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, the reversible transformation between the oxygen vacancy ordered phase brownmillerite SrCoO2.5 and the ox… Show more

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Cited by 60 publications
(97 citation statements)
References 27 publications
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“…The RS mechanism can be better understood with the schematics illustrating the probable electrochemical and charge transport processes, as shown in Figure 5. [33] Eventually, the filaments extend almost through the matrix with very thin BM-SFO gaps separating the filaments and the SRO layer (Figures 5b and 3d). [33] Eventually, the filaments extend almost through the matrix with very thin BM-SFO gaps separating the filaments and the SRO layer (Figures 5b and 3d).…”
confidence: 98%
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“…The RS mechanism can be better understood with the schematics illustrating the probable electrochemical and charge transport processes, as shown in Figure 5. [33] Eventually, the filaments extend almost through the matrix with very thin BM-SFO gaps separating the filaments and the SRO layer (Figures 5b and 3d). [33] Eventually, the filaments extend almost through the matrix with very thin BM-SFO gaps separating the filaments and the SRO layer (Figures 5b and 3d).…”
confidence: 98%
“…[33] Eventually, the filaments extend almost through the matrix with very thin BM-SFO gaps separating the filaments and the SRO layer (Figures 5b and 3d). In the reset process, the oxygen extraction may take place at the top interface, [31,32] and subsequently the oxygen ions may migrate from bottom to top, [33] causing the filaments to be ruptured at the bottom (Figures 5c and 3h). In addition, the forwardbias (reverse-bias) thermionic emission occurs in the negative (positive) voltage region (Figure 5e,f), resulting in the asymmetric I-V behavior (Figure 2).…”
confidence: 98%
“…(a) In situ STEM observation of oxygen vacancy dynamics and ordering in the epitaxial LaCoO 3 thin film induced by the electron beam irradiation [89]. (b) In situ TEM measurements investigating ionic liquid gating effect for SrCoO x thin film with ionic liquid placement by an atomic force microscope tip [90]. Gate voltages with both polarities are applied to the ionic liquid via the gate electrode.…”
Section: Real-space Probe Characterization and In-situ Studiesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This understanding of the presence of a single fundamental knob that allows control over complex coupled phase-transitions in correlated solids can be relevant to engineering functional interfaces of correlated oxides and also aid in understanding technologically relevant MIT systems that show concomitant magnetic-and/or structural-transitions, such as manganites [21] and the family of non-stoichiometric ABO 3−x compounds. [22]. Supplementary Information: Atomic structures were relaxed using atomic forces obtained from non-spin polarized Density Functional Theory (DFT) based calculations with the SCAN metageneralized-gradient (meta-GGA) functional [24,25] as well as the Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) functional with a Hubbard 'U' i.e.…”
confidence: 99%