ExtractAmniotic and allantoic fluid samples were obtained at the time o f uterotomy from healthy pregnant ewes at various times during gestation. I n most instances maternal and fetal blood was collected simultaneously. Serum thyroxine (T, and triiodithyronine (T, ) and free T, were measured in most samples. T o determine whether conjugates o f T, were present in amniotic and allantoic fluids. T, was measured before and after 24-hr acid hydrolysis. T, and T, turnover from amniotic fluid were measured using kinetic methods after intravenous or intraamniotic fluid injection o f radiolabeled hormones.T, was unmeasurable ( < 15 ng/100 m l ) i n amniotic and allantoic fluids as well as i n most fetal serum samples. T, levels in amniotic fluid were low before 120 days o f gestation (0.17 & 0.03 Leg/ 100 ml; mean and S E M ) and increased progressively thereafter to term. The mean (and S E M ) concentration between 124 and 152 days was 0.33 =t 0.03 pg/100 ml. T, concentrations in allantoic fluid were relatively high before 120 days (0.57 0.1 pg/lOO m l ) and did not increase with progression o f the pregnancy. There were no correlations between amniotic and allantoic fluid T, concentrations, between amniotic fluid T,, and either maternal or fetal serum T, levels. or between allantoic fluid T, and maternal or fetal serum T, at any time during gestation. Mean free T, concentrations were similar i n fetal serum and amniotic fluid and higher than values in maternal serum or allantoic fluid.Mean amniotic and allantoic fluid T, concentrations by radioimmunoassay ( R I A ) increased significantly after acid hydrolvsis, suggesting that one-third to one-half the T, in these fluids is present as T, conjugate.Radiolabeled T, or T, was injected into amniotic fluid and recovery o f hormone label was measured in serum and tissues at 24 hr for comparison with recoveries after intravenous injection. Mean T, radioactivity i n several organs or tissues was nearly identical whether the hormone was injected intravenously or into amniotic fluid. I n addition, the total residual labeled T, or T, in the fetal sheep (percentage dose per fetus) at the time of killing was similar after intravenous and intra-amniotic fluid injection. Chromatograms o f butanol-ammonia extracts o f fetal sera after intraamniotic or intravenous injection o f labeled T, were similar and showed predominantly T,; a significant iodide peak was observed as well as a small peak o f radioactivity with an R, corresponding to that of T, conjugate.The results indicate that there are low but measurable concentrations o f T, in amniotic and allantoic fluids of pregnant sheep. There appears t o be minimal exchange o f hormone between allantoic and amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid T, levels, in contrast to allantoic fluid concentrations, increase progressively during the last half o f gestation. Although free T, concentrations are similar in amniotic fluid and i n fetal serum, and are higher than i n allantoic fluid o r maternal serum, the lack of correlation between T, levels i ...