Recent computations, performed with the well-known Mathematica program, have produced rigorous, closed-form, symbolic expressions of the cylindrical E-field, and Hfield components of a planar, circular-aperture field-distribution that appears to generate a radiation-pattern exhibiting the propagation-invariance of the so-called "pseudo nondiffracting" optical Bessel-beams. The new planar, circular-aperture field-distribution obtained includes radial-, azimuth-, and axial-components of both the E-field, and Hfield with different linearly-dependent azimuth phases. Further, only the axial-( * z S ), and azimuth-( ϕ * S ) components of the complex Poynting Vector are non-zero, while the radial component * r S is identically-zero, everywhere on and above the aperture-plane, at all radial distances from the broadside-axis, and at all axial-distances from the apertureplane. The generated wave-front has the shape of a 3D helicoid-surface, with a pitch being a function of the z r k k ratio. The diffraction-properties of the generated radiationpattern are being computed by using the "Direct Electromagnetic Field Integration" method, reported by Walter Franz in 1948 [2], and reviewed by Chen-To Tai in 2000 [3].