We report on the influence of the interface corrugation in ͑113͒-grown GaAs/AlAs superlattices on their band-edge optical properties both in theory and experiment. We calculate the subband dispersions and the optical anisotropies in a multiband k•p formalism. The dominating contribution to the optical anisotropies is found to be due to the intrinsic properties of the valence-band structure. The corrugation modifies the density of states only slightly, giving no evidence of a quantum-wire behavior. By comparing the calculation with the experimental optical anisotropy, we can estimate the corrugation height to be at most 2 monolayers. The experiments show that deviations from the regular corrugation lead to an anisotropic interface disorder. This gives rise to an enhanced anisotropy of the band-edge states, which was so far attributed to the corrugation itself. The luminescence of the localized type-I states at the band-edge show an enhanced optical anisotropy in comparison to the luminescence of the extended states, revealing the anisotropic nature of their localization sites. In type-II samples, deeply localized, isolated type-I states (⌫ quantum boxes͒ dominate the luminescence at short delays after pulsed excitation and at higher lattice temperatures or excitation densities, due to their strong radiative decay compared to the type-II states. These quantum boxes are observed individually by high spatial and spectral resolution. ͓S0163-1829͑96͒06039-0͔