Light-generated short-lived radial pairs have been suggested to play pivotal roles in cryptochromes and photolyases.Cryptochromes are very probably involved in magnetic compass sensing in migratory birds and the magnetic-fielddependent behavior of insects.W ee xamined photo-generated transient states in the cryptochrome of Drosophila melanogaster and in the structurally related DNA-repair enzyme Escherichia coli DNAp hotolyase.U sing pulsed EPR spectroscopy, the exchange and dipolar contributions to the electron spin-spin interaction were determined in astraightforward and direct way.W itht hese parameters,r adical-pair partners maybeidentified and the magnetoreceptor efficiency of cryptochromes can be evaluated. We present compelling evidence for an extended electron-transfer cascade in the Drosophila cryptochrome,a nd identified W394 as ak ey residue for flavin photoreduction and formation of as pincorrelated radical pair with as ufficient lifetime for highsensitivity magnetic-field sensing.Biological magnetoreception remains enigmatic with very different concepts under discussion. Among them is aradical pair (RP) based mechanism, [1] which gained considerable attention [2] after the discovery of cryptochromes. [3] Cryptochromes are versatile proteins present in all kingdoms of life with intriguing functions, [2b, 4] such as the resetting of the circadian clock [5] or the sensing of magnetic fields to perceive direction.[6] Their photoreceptor function is most likely driven by ar eduction of the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor. [7] Even though the exact role of cryptochromes in magnetoreception is still unclear,t heir ability to readily conduct electron transfer (ET) upon blue-light exposure makes them prime candidates for ar ealization of the RP mechanism. Thei ntraprotein ET forms ap air of correlated spins,o ne situated on the FAD, the electron acceptor in the protein core,and the other one on an amino acid residue,the ultimate electron donor, which, in most cases,isatryptophan (Trp) residue at the protein surface.[8] Thee volution of the spin multiplicity of the RP,n amely singlet (S) versus triplet (T), determines the fate of this excited state,w hich either undergoes charge recombination from the singlet configuration or generates longer-lived paramagnetic products from the triplet manifold because direct charge recombination is spin-forbidden from the triplet state.[1] In amagnetoreceptor, the interconversion between the two spin multiplicities,S,T, is governed by the strength of the external magnetic field and furthermore sensitively depends on the couplings of the magnetic dipole moments associated with the electron spins to those of close-by nuclear spins,a nd on their mutual spinspin interaction, which has contributions from magnetic dipolar coupling and electronic exchange.Whereas the magnetic parameters of the individual trapped radicals of FADa nd Trph ave been characterized rather extensively in terms of their hyperfine interactions and g-matrices [9] by electron paramagnet...