The sequence-dependent folding landscapes of nucleic acid hairpins reflect much of the complexity of biomolecular folding. Folding trajectories, generated by using single-molecule force-clamp experiments by attaching semiflexible polymers to the ends of hairpins, have been used to infer their folding landscapes. Using simulations and theory, we study the effect of the dynamics of the attached handles on the handle-free RNA free-energy profile F eq o (zm), where zm is the molecular extension of the hairpin. A molecular understanding of how proteins and RNA fold is needed to describe the functions of enzymes (1) and ribozymes (2), interactions between biomolecules, and the origins of misfolding that is linked to a number of diseases (3). The energy-landscape perspective has provided a conceptual framework for describing the mechanisms by which unfolded molecules navigate the large conformational space in search of the native state (4-6). Recently, single-molecule techniques have been used to probe features of the energy landscape of proteins and RNA that are not easily accessible in ensemble experiments (7-18). It is possible to construct the shape of the energy landscape, including the energy scales of ruggedness (19,20), by using dynamical trajectories that are generated by applying a constant force ( f ) to the ends of proteins and RNA (14,15,21,22). If the observation time is long enough for the molecule to sample the accessible conformational space, then the time average of an observable X recorded for the ␣th molecule [͗X͘ ϭ t3ϱ, and the distribution P(X) should converge to the equilibrium distribution function P eq (X). By using this strategy, laser optical tweezer (LOT) experiments have been used to obtain the sequence-dependent folding landscape of a number of RNA and DNA hairpins (8,14,15,23), by using X ϭ R m , the end-to-end distance of the hairpin that is conjugate to f, as a natural reaction coordinate. In LOT experiments, the hairpin is held between two long handles [DNA (15) or DNA/RNA hybrids (8)], whose ends are attached to polystyrene beads (Fig. 1a). The equilibrium free-energy profile F eq (R m ) ϭ ϪlogP eq (R m ) ( ϵ 1/k B T, k B is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the absolute temperature) may be useful in describing the dynamics of the molecule, provided R m is an appropriate reaction coordinate.The dynamics of the RNA extension in the presence of f (z m ϭ z 3Ј Ϫ z 5Ј Ϸ R m , provided transverse fluctuations are small) is indirectly obtained in an LOT experiment by monitoring the distance between the attached polystyrene beads (z sys ϭ z p Ϫ z o ), one of which is optically trapped at the center of the laser focus (Fig. 1a). The goal of these experiments is to extract the folding landscape [F eq o (z m )] and the dynamics of the hairpin in the absence of handles by using the f-dependent trajectories z sys (t). To achieve these goals, the fluctuations in the handles should minimally perturb the dynamics of the hairpin to probe the true dynamics of a molecule of interest. However, dependi...