Whistler waves are launched toward a field-aligned density striation in a laboratory plasma. Characteristic scale length and frequency ratios are scaled to closely reproduce situations found in the auroral ionosphere. Detailed measurements show that at the striation edge nearest the wave-launching antenna, besides a reflected and a transmitted whistler wave, lower hybrid waves are also stimulated on both sides of the striation boundary in a manner consistent with the linear mode-conversion model. We find that the energy density of the mode-converted lower hybrid waves is typically 10% of the incident whistler wave energy density, reaching a maximum of 30% in one region. Lower hybrid waves are confined to within 2-3 perpendicular wavelengths in the interaction zone. Our results show that the interaction of electromagnetic whistler mode waves with density striations can cause significant amounts of energy to be deposited in the largely electrostatic lower hybrid mode and that it may, therefore, be a significant generation mechanism for these waves in certain regions of the ionosphere.
IntroductionThe investigation of the behavior of electromagnetic whistler waves in the vicinity of a field-aligned density striation is motivated by a number of observations made in the near-earth environment. First, these waves are commonly found in almost all parts of the magnetosphere and ionosphere [Helliwell, 1965;Walker, 1976;Shawhan, 1979;Al'pert, 1980Al'pert, , 1983and Carpenter, 1983]. Second, at altitudes below approximately 5000 km, the high latitude ionospheric plasma is found to contain short scale-length, field-aligned irregularities or striations [Herman, 1966;Dyson, 1969;Clark and Raitt, 1976;Kelley and Mozer, 1972;Fejer and Kelley, 1980] at all accessible altitudes and all local times. The striations are almost always of lower density than the background and the density amplitude distribution peaks between 10% and 30% of the background level [Dyson, 1969]. It is generally believed that the size of the striation parallel to the background magnetic field is very large compared to its extent across the field so that the shape is either cylinder-like or sheet-like. The cross-field dimension ranges from as small as 10 m to hundreds of km.Although striations are basically a high-latitude phenomenon, with most observations being made at L ≥ 4 (invariant latitude |Λ| ≥ 60°), there is also a small region where striations exist near the magnetic equator, |Λ| ≤ 20° [Kelley and Mozer, 1972]. Clearly, whistler waves propagating in these regions must frequently encounter density striations. The electromagnetic whistler wavelength in the topside ionosphere is on the order of 1 km. Measurements with very high spatial resolution made in the ionosphere below 1000 km, on a series of rocket flights , directly show the existence of the small-scale density striations which are typically 100 m across (minimum 10 m) with an average spacing of ~1 km. It 3 is the interaction of whistler waves with this type of short perpendicular scale leng...