All rights reservedNo part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher To BETTY JANE AND CHRISTOPHER also to an international community of low-temperature physicists and cryogenic engineers whose work is represented on these pagesType-2 Superconductor in the Critical Mixed State.-Carbon-replicated electron micrograph of a ferromagnetic-particle-decorated representation of the arrangement of axially directed flux lines in an annealed-and-deformed Pb-In(6.3 at.OJo) 4-mm!6 rod in the trapping critical state (see, e.g., Figure 16-7). The arrangement of the flux lines was found to change continuously from long-range-ordered in the relatively high field (-70 G) interior region of the sample (;;, 400 ,an deep) [left-hand plate], to amorphous in the low-residual-field region just below the surface (,,; 100,an deep) [right-hand plate]. In this material, for which K = 2 at 1.2 K, the flux-lattice parameter at 70 G is about 0.6 I'm. Original micrograph courtesy of U. Essmann, Max-Planck-Institute fUr Metallforschung, Institut fUr Physik, Stuttgart, West Germany. (Reference: H. Trauble and U. Essmann, J. Appl. Phys. 39,4052-4059 (1968))1.General Preface xi property optimization. (iii) Superconductor and superconducting magnet design engineers for whom the chapters on Stability, AC Loss, and Conductor Design are intended. (iv) Manufacturers of "NbTi" alloy superconductors who wish to become reapprised of the Ti-alloy metallurgy and metal physics that underlies the behavior and properties of their product.
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