Benchmark results are presented for electrons colliding with hydrogen atoms in the S-wave (TemkinPoet) model collision problem, which neglects angular momentum. Complete results (elastic, inelastic, and ionization), accurate to 1%, are obtained by numerically integrating Schrödinger's equation subject to correct asymptotic boundary conditions. This marks the first time direct matching to asymptotic boundary conditions has been shown to yield convergent ionization amplitudes for a Coulomb three-body problem. Results are presented for impact energies of 54.4 and 40.8 eV, where comparison with other theories is available.PACS numbers: 34.80. Dp, 31.15.Fx, 34.10. + x, 34.80.Bm The Temkin-Poet [1,2] model of electron-hydrogen scattering is now widely regarded as an ideal testing ground for the development of general methods intended for the full three-body Coulomb problem. Although only s states are included for both the projectile and the atomic electrons, this model problem still contains most of the features that make the real scattering problem hard to solve. Indeed, even in this simplified model, converged energy distributions for ionization cannot generally be obtained via the close-coupling formalism [3]. Any general method that cannot obtain complete, converged results for this model problem will face similar difficulties when applied to the full electron-hydrogen system. For this reason, we believe it is essential to develop a general numerical method capable of solving the Temkin-Poet model completely before angular momentum is included. Here we report such a method. Complete, precision results for e 2