Nano-and micro-sized fi brous architectures are ubiquitous in nature; in particular, microtubules have an essential role within live cells, as tracks for transporting objects to a desired place, driven by molecular motors such as dynein and kinesin. Such functions of bionanofi bres motivated us to construct an artifi cial supramolecular rail using the fl uidic property of self-assembled glycolipid nanofi bres. Artifi cial supramolecular nanofi bres constructed through molecular selfassembly of small molecules have recently attracted considerable attention for their unique properties, such as reversible formation / destruction under mild conditions and various stimuli responsiveness. In this paper, we show that a supramolecular nanofi bre has suffi cient fl uidity, on the basis of its non-crystalline nature, to function as a molecular track for the directional movement of attached molecules, proteins and nanobeads along the fi bre.