Spectroscopy, PhotoelectronWe characterize the electronic structure of polypyrrole films and (2,5-DMe-Di~yanoquinonediimine)~Ag, Rb single crystals using a combination of electrochemical preparation and electron-spectroscopical techniques (XPS, UPS, HREELS). These studies allow to characterize the electronic structure, to conclude on the particular conductivity mechanisms for controlled order and structures, and to determine the strength of both, the electron-phonon and the electron-electron interactions.
1, IntroductionThe defined preparation of thin films is a major advantage of electrochemical techniques and finds applications in the preparation of metallic [1,2] as well as organic thin films [3-51. With respect to the area of highly conducting organic materials electrochemical preparation is used to obtain polymeric polypyrrole films (gmax = 100 Scm-') [6,7] and radical anions salts from the (Dicyanoquinone-diimine) DCNQI molecule with conductivities around 1000 Scm-' [5,8]. For these materials the electrochemical preparation offers substantial advantages against evaporation or sputtering techniques, as homogeneous films or single crystals with reproducible stoichiometries and negligible contaminations can be obtained.Despite of these unique preparation conditions a systematic study of the electronic structure has been possible only after establishing appropriate transfer systems to allow sample transfer between the electrochemical cell and the UHV [ 1,2]. The main experimental problem is the high surface sensitivity of the electron spectroscopies and the need of uncontaminated surfaces to use the thereby obtained results to extrapolate on the bulk properties of the samples investigated. The information obtainable from electron spectroscopies allows a direct access to the density of states (DOS) of the occupied levels and bands by valence band photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS). The stability can be controlled by core level spectroscopy (XPS) by recording the stoichiometries or the oxidation state of single components. Furthermore, the optical and electronic transitions are a substantial source of information as they close up to optical studies and hence allow a direct comparison of these techniques.The electronic structure, conductivity and optical properties of organic materials are determined by the relative strength of covalent bonding, of the electron-phonon interaction, and of the electron-electron interactions [9]. When compared to inorganic semiconductors and metals, a main difference in the bonding mechanisms of organic materials is the weakness of covalent bonding. As a consequence, the electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions can not be neglected and do contribute considerably to the electronic structure. At present, theoretical studies are unable to treat all of the three interaction mechanisms and to give a complete description of complicated organic systems. Therefore, it seems worthwhile to look for model systems in which one of the three mechanisms is dominating or to look for experim...