Current-induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs) represent one of the most effective ways to manipulate the magnetization in spintronic devices. The orthogonal torquemagnetization geometry, the strong damping, and the large domain wall velocities inherent to materials with strong spin-orbit coupling make SOTs especially appealing for fast switching applications in nonvolatile memory and logic units. So far, however, the timescale and evolution of the magnetization during the switching process have remained undetected. Here, we report the direct observation of SOTdriven magnetization dynamics in Pt/Co/AlO x dots during current pulse injection.Time-resolved x-ray images with 25 nm spatial and 100 ps temporal resolution reveal that switching is achieved within the duration of a sub-ns current pulse by the fast nucleation of an inverted domain at the edge of the dot and propagation of a tilted domain wall across the dot. The nucleation point is deterministic and alternates between the four dot quadrants depending on the sign of the magnetization, current, and external field. Our measurements reveal how the magnetic symmetry is broken by the concerted action of both damping-like and field-like SOT and show that reproducible switching events can be obtained for over 10 12 reversal cycles.
arXiv:1704.06402v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 21 Apr 2017Controlling the magnetic state of ultrathin heterostructures using electric currents is key to developing nonvolatile memory devices with minimal static and dynamic power consumption 1 . A promising approach for magnetic switching is based on injecting an in-plane current into a ferromagnet/heavy metal bilayer, where the spin-orbit torques (SOTs) 2,3 resulting from the spin Hall effect and interface charge-spin conversion 4-8 provide an efficient mechanism to reverse the magnetization 1,9,10,12-15 and manipulate domain walls (DWs) [16][17][18][19] .SOT switching schemes can be easily integrated into three-terminal magnetic tunnel junctions having either in-plane 10 or out-of-plane 20 magnetization. Although the threeterminal geometry is more demanding in terms of size, it offers desirable features compared to the two-terminal spin-transfer torque (STT) approach presently used in magnetic random access memories (MRAM) 21 . One such feature is the separation of the read and write current paths in the tunnel junction, which avoids electrical stress of the oxide barrier during writing and allows for independent optimization of the tunneling magnetoresistance during reading. The other crucial feature is the switching speed, which is expected to be extremely fast because the spin accumulation inducing the SOTs is orthogonal to the quiescent magnetization, leading to a negligible incubation delay. Such a delay is a major issue for STT devices, since thermal fluctuations result in a switching time distribution that is several ns wide 22,23 . Furthermore, the SOT-induced magnetization dynamics is governed by strong damping in the monodomain regime 24,25 and fast domain wall motion in the m...