Two-state systems may exhibit mechanical forces of purely quantum origin that have no counterpart in classical physics. We show that the such forces must exist in molecular magnets due to quantum tunneling between classically degenerate magnetic states. They can be observed in the presence of a microwave field when the magnet is placed in a static magnetic field with a gradient. PACS numbers: 75.50.Xx; 75.45.+j; Forces of quantum nature are known in physics. One example is a Casimir force between two surfaces in a close proximity to each other. It is caused by the quantization of the fields in the space between the surfaces [1]. Casimir forces have been extensively discussed in relation to a number of condensed matter systems [2], see, e.g., recent applications to topological insulators [3]. In this Letter we will discuss the force of a purely quantum origin of another kind: The force that is pertinent to the twostate systems. Such systems are very common in nature. They correspond to a situation when the lowest energy doublet of a quantum system is separated from the rest of the spectrum by a large gap, making only that doublet relevant in low-energy experiments. We will focus our attention on molecular magnets, although our conclusions will apply to any two-state system for which the energy distance ∆ between the two states of the doublet can be controlled by the external field. Quantum Hamiltonian of a non-interacting two-state system iswhere σ z is a Pauli matrix. Its eigenstates, |± , correspond to σ z = ±1 and have energies E ± = ∓∆/2, with |+ being the ground state and |− being the excited state. The general form of the normalized wave function is a superposition of the |± states:with |C + | 2 + |C − | 2 = 1. The Hamiltonian (1) is equivalent to the Hamiltonian of a spin-1/2 particle in the magnetic field. In the presence of the field gradient, there is a force on the particle that was used at the dawn of quantum physics to separate particles in beams according to their spin projection [4]. The effect we are after has the same origin. However, here we are particularly interested in the situation when σ z describing the two-state system has nothing to do with the real spin 1/2, and the magnetic moment associated with it, but is rather related to the tunnel splitting of classically degenerate states.Let us consider a crystal containing a macroscopic number of non-interacting two-state particles. The occupation numbers of the states with σ z = ±1 are n ± = |C ± | 2 . The corresponding one-particle density matrix operator is ρ = |Ψ(t) Ψ(t)|. In the presence of the gradient of ∆ created by the gradient of the external field, the force on the crystal iswhere summation is over occupation numbers of the particles. Note that F depends only on the gradient of ∆ and on the occupation numbers, but not on the choice of the quantization axis for the effective spin 1/2. The physical origin of the above force is clear. The particles with σ z = 1, occupying the ground state level with energy E + = −∆/2, are attracted to t...