Q S T IAn evaluation of proton and neutron damage to aluminum, stainless stccl, nickel alloys, and various aluminum alloys has been pcrformed. The proton studies were conducted at energies of 200 MeV, 800 MeV, and 23.5 GeV. The proton studies Consisted of evaluation and characterization of protonirradiated windowdtarget materials fiom acceleraiors and comparison to nonirradiatcd archival materials. The materials evaluated for the proton irradiations included 99.9999 \VI% aluminurn, 1100 aluminum, SO52 aluminum, 304 stainless steel, and inconel 7 18. The neutron damage research centered on 6061 T-6 aluminum which was obtained fiom a control-rod follower fiom the Brookhaven National Laboratory's (BNL) High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR). This material had received thermal neutron fluence up to -4 x 10" dcm'. The possible dfeds of lhermal-to-fast neutron flus ratios are discussed. The ina-eaw in tensile strength in the proton-irradiated matcrials is shown to be the result of atomic displacements. These displacements cause interstitials and vacancies which aggregate into defect clusters which result in radiation hardening of the mteaials. Production of gas (helium) in thc gain boundaries of proton irradiated 99.9999 wt% iluminum is also discussed. The major factor contributing to the mechanical-propeily changes in the neutron-irradiated 6061 T-6 aluminum is the production of transmutation products formed by interactions of the aluminum with thermal neutrons. The metallurgical and mechanicalproperty evaluations for the research consisted of electron microscopy @oh scanning and transmission), tensile testing, and microhardness testing.