Q uantum materials are on the ascent. This term embodies a vast portfolio of compounds and phenomena where ramifications of quantum mechanics are demonstrably real. Quantum materials are in the vanguard of contemporary physics in part because these systems afford an exceptional venue to uncover the many roles of symmetry, topology, dimensionality and strong correlations in macroscopic observables. Here we set out to explore the ways and means of creating new states of matter in quantum materials and manipulating their phases via external stimuli. Practical control of these properties is a precondition for exploiting quantum advantages in new photonic, electronic and energy technologies, a task of significant societal impact 1 . We will primarily focus on the following classes of quantum materials: transition metal oxides, Fe-and Cu-based high-T c superconductors, van der Waals semiconductors, topological insulators and Weyl semimetals, and, finally, graphene.The properties of quantum materials are anomalously sensitive to external stimuli. In these systems, interactions associated with spin, charge, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom are commonly on par with the electronic kinetic energy. A rather fragile balance between coexisting and competing ground states can be readily shifted via external stimuli, leading to a raft of quantum phases and transitions between them 2,3 . Furthermore, certain classes of driven quantum states (Fig. 1a and Box 1) are explicit products of coherent interaction between light and matter 4-6 . Alternatively, the properties of quantum materials can be pre-programmed by directly manipulating the electronic wavefunction and the attendant Berry phase that give rise to the anomalous velocity of electrons in a solid [7][8][9] . These complementary avenues of controls mean that investigations no longer need to be reduced to merely observing (in contrast, for example, to astrophysics). Instead, it is now feasible to attain, in a predictable fashion, 'properties on demand' by steering a quantum material towards a desirable ground, metastable or transient state. The past decade has witnessed an explosion in the field of quantum materials, headlined by the predictions and discoveries of novel Landau-symmetry-broken phases in correlated electron systems, topological phases in systems with strong spin-orbit coupling, and ultra-manipulable materials platforms based on two-dimensional van der Waals crystals. Discovering pathways to experimentally realize quantum phases of matter and exert control over their properties is a central goal of modern condensed-matter physics, which holds promise for a new generation of electronic/photonic devices with currently inaccessible and likely unimaginable functionalities. In this Review, we describe emerging strategies for selectively perturbing microscopic interaction parameters, which can be used to transform materials into a desired quantum state. Particular emphasis will be placed on recent successes to tailor electronic interaction parameters through th...