The worst case complexity of direct-search methods has been recently analyzed when they use positive spanning sets and impose a sufficient decrease condition to accept new iterates. For smooth unconstrained optimization, it is now known that such methods require at most O(n 2 ϵ −2 ) function evaluations to compute a gradient of norm below ϵ ∈ (0, 1), where n is the dimension of the problem. Such a maximal effort is reduced to O(n 2 ϵ −1 ) if the function is convex. The factor n 2 has been derived using the positive spanning set formed by the coordinate vectors and their negatives at all iterations.In this paper, we prove that such a factor of n 2 is optimal in these worst case complexity bounds, in the sense that no other positive spanning set will yield a better order of n. The proof is based on an observation that reveals the connection between cosine measure in positive spanning and sphere covering.