The role of ubiquinone (Q) in the respiratory chain is quantitatively analyzed by correlating both the steady-state redox level of Q and the kinetics of oxidation and reduction with the flux of the overall electron transport in uncoupled submitochondrial particles. This is achieved by experimentally defining donor and acceptor activities for Q.1. The degree of reduction of Q in the steady state is proportional to the respiratory activity with NADH and succinate, if the respiratory activity is varied by titrating the donor side for Q with rotenone and malonate, respectively. The proportionality constant (acceptor activity, Vex) is independent of the substrate used.
.The degree of oxidation of Q in the steady state is proportional to the respiratory activity as varied by titration of the acceptor side for Q with antimycin. The proportionality constant (donor activity, V r e d ) is independent of the acceptor activity and depends on the dehydrogenase activity for NADH and succinate.3. From these experimental relations, the redox state of Q in the steady state and the respiratory activity can be described as functions of the donor and the acceptor activity only. The equations are valid with both NADH and succinate as the substrates.
4.The kinetics of oxidation of Q on the addition of oxygen as measured by the quench-flow method are in agreement with that measured by direct absorption recording in a mixing chamber. The reaction is first order with a rate constant equal to the acceptor activity divided by the amount of redox-active Q ( VOx/&&). The final steady-state level (in the present case 15O/, reduction) is a result also of the reduction reaction with the first-order rate constant, Vr,d/Qa. 5 . The acceptor activity can also be measured as maximum respiratory activity with durohydroquinone. This activity is independent of the presence of Q but sensitive to antimycin.Thus, the acceptor activity for ubiquinone can be measured by three independent methods. 6. It is concluded, that also in the steady state the reduction and oxidation of the active Q-pool follow pseudo-first-order reactions, the rates of which are equal to the respiratory rate.The total amount of redox-active Q is kinetically and functionally homogeneous and is not divided into substrate-specific compartments.The relation between the kinetics of the redox reactions of the mitochondria1 Q and its function in electron transport has been considered so far only in qualitative terms and contradicting conclusions were drawn from these studies.
Preparation of Submitochondrial ParticlesSubmitochondrial particles were prepared by sonication of beef heart mitochondria. 5 m l of the mitochondrial suspension containing 20 mg/ml protein were sonicated six times for 5 s at 0-5 "C with the Branson sonifier, model J17V (Danbury, Connecticut, U.S.A.), a t maximal energy. Normal submitochondrial particles were obtained by sonication in 0.3 M sucrose, submitochondrial particles supplemented with cytochrome c with further addition of 0.3 mg/ml cy...