This paper proposes a novel channel allocation algorithm to effectively use satellite resources such as a satellite's maximum transponder bandwidth and maximum transmission power for SATCOM systems, and to handle propagation gain variation in all earth stations. The proposed adaptive spectrum controlling (SPCT) algorithm uses two new transmission techniques we have developed: spectrum compression and division transmission. The SPCT algorithm controls various transmission parameters such as spectrum compression ratio, MODCOD, transmission power, and bandwidth to satisfy the constant transmission bit rate. Simulation results show the SPCT algorithm achieves system throughput up to 1.3 times higher than that achieved with a simple algorithm based on the conventional adaptive coding and modulation (ACM).
NomenclatureC Spectrum compression ratio G u Up-link free-space loss rate G satr Receiving satellite anntena gain P r Satellite power utilization P max Earth station's maximum transmission power W r Satellite bandwidth utilization X ACM mode identifier Symbols η Spectrum utilization efficiency γ Evaluation value for channel optimization