We study the geometry of the morphism that sends a smooth hypersurface of degree d + 1 in P n−1 to its associated hypersurface of degree n(d − 1) in the dual space P n−1 ∨ .given by a categorical quotient of the locus of GIT semistable hypersurfaces. We call V m,n the GIT compactification of U m,n . The subject of this paper is a certain rational map V m,n V n(m−2),n , where n ≥ 2, m ≥ 3 and where we exclude the (trivial) case (n, m) = (2, 3). While this map has a purely algebraic construction, which we shall recall soon, it has several surprising geometric properties that we establish in this paper. In particular, this rational map restricts to a locally closed immersionĀ : U m,n → V n(m−2),n , and often Mathematics Subject Classification: 14L24, 13A50, 13H10.