“…This event has drawn many TA B L E 1 Synthetic embryo system features and functions Note: The various SESs detailed in this review are referenced and organized, and specific features or functions (left) are marked with an "X." Beccari et al, 2018W armflash et al, 2014Harrison et al, 2017Sozen et al, 2018Buhl et al, 2009V rij et al, 2019Li et al, 2019Sozen et al, 2019Kime et al, 2016S hao et al, 2017Wen et al, 2019 developmental biologists' attention for investigations at the molecular level (e.g., Maitre et al, 2016;Rossant & Tam, 2009)). Currently, two models explain the molecular mechanism of this specification, although they are not mutually exclusive.…”