In a direct collocation pseudospectral method, a continuous-time optimal control problem is transcribed to a finitedimensional nonlinear programming problem. Solving this nonlinear programming problem as efficiently as possible requires that sparsity at both the first-and second-derivative levels be exploited. In this paper, a computationally efficient method is developed for computing the first and second derivatives of the nonlinear programming problem functions arising from a pseudospectral discretization of a continuous-time optimal control problem. Specifically, in this paper, expressions are derived for the objective function gradient, constraint Jacobian, and Lagrangian Hessian arising from the previously developed Radau pseudospectral method. It is shown that the computation of these derivative functions can be reduced to computing the first and second derivatives of the functions in the continuous-time optimal control problem. As a result, the method derived in this paper reduces significantly the amount of computation required to obtain the first and second derivatives required by a nonlinear programming problem solver. The approach derived in this paper is demonstrated on an example where it is found that significant computational benefits are obtained when compared against direct differentiation of the nonlinear programming problem functions. The approach developed in this paper improves the computational efficiency of solving nonlinear programming problems arising from pseudospectral discretizations of continuous-time optimal control problems.