This article presents a quantum theoretical study of the attack-angle dependence and the recoil-angle selectivity
in the title reaction. Two complementary approaches were used: the preferred attack angle method and the
examination of spatial distributions of molecular axes associated with either minimal- or maximal-probability
reactions. These approaches were extended so that recoil angles could be included in the stereodynamical
analysis. Our results were compared to those obtained by Alvariño et al. with the stereodirected representation
(J. Phys. Chem. A
1998, 102, 9638). This allowed for an assessment of the advantages and disavantages of
each method. The reaction was confirmed to be highly dependent on the attack angle and highly selective
with regard to the recoil angle. The attack angle dependence is itself highly dependent on the total energy
and on the product vibrational state, but the recoil angle selectivity is not.