“…Moreover, those studies that did include this variable in their models reported inconsistent results, including positive (e.g., Faraj and Yan, 2009), negative (e.g., Sethi and Iqbal, 2008), and nonsignificant (e.g., Hoegl and Parboteeah, 2006) relationships. This is in contrast to studies on the organizational level, where material resource adequacy as a focal variable was studied extensively (Garriga, Von Krogh, and Spaeth, 2013;Katila and Shane, 2005;Nohria and Gulati, 1996;Troilo, De Luca, and Atuahene-Gima, 2014;van Burg, Podoynitsyna, Beck, and Lommelen, 2012). Even more problematically, the role of material resource adequacy in innovation project performance from an academic perspective is as unclear as it is in practice, with contradictory theoretical assumptions as well as empirical findings (Hoegl, Gibbert, and Mazursky, 2008;Rosso, 2014).…”