This article aimed to highlight the social, political and administrative factors that underpinned the recent unconstitutional state of affairs decision on environmental matters in Brazil, issued by Minister Luís Roberto Barroso at ADO60/DF. The research was bibliographic and documentary and its approach was of a qualitative nature. The results remained evident in the social field throughthe various manifestations of hostilities of the Federal Government against individuals and legal entities engaged in the defense of the environment, in the political field through the decision to extinguish and relocate various bodies linked to the defense of natural resources and in the field administrative through the dismissal of several public agents occupying positions highlighted in the theme on the protection of the environment. In conclusion, it remains evident that Brazil is in a real state of affairs unconstitutional in environmental matters, with massive actions and omissions responsible for the unsustainable exploitation of environmental resources, resulting in the necessary performance of the Supreme Court as a Constitutional Court responsiblefor pointing out the actions and the respective inspection of their achievements.