Through a critique perspective of a curriculum, this work aims to investigate the ways thesis about post-modernity are being discussed or denied by the musical educational field. Based on a wide social discussion about the public school' construction in Brazil, in which are analysed mechanisms of the past and the present which responds for failing intelectual and education. At first, the latest education reforms are understood through theoretical reasons, looking for its implications; on the other side, through the analyzes of oficial documents concerning musical teacher formation. Basics concepts and presuppositions of this reformssuch as teacher'competences, practice-thinking teacher and relaxing of formationare observed from its links which are fundamental looking from a post-modernity education discussion. The choosed theoretical reference shows the intensive retrocession of formations and intelectual perspective based on that concepts. Towards that, the formation model (the basic one and the higher one) suggests how the reform's documents are seen: aligned and appropriate with the parameters of wide social life. In the end, through a literature research in the area, this work searchs a discussion of ways that the field of musical education is seing those questions. The reference and inspiration of this present work are some researchs that used to see the older "Education-Art", actually making the relation between the emptying of the specific musical' content with a wide discussion in a field of curriculum. Finally, suggests that this kind of researchs and analysis should be updated and strengthen by the musical field. The work aims to show up the bigger spread, in musical education area, of the presuppositions of post-modernity/ post-structuralism about the social and cultural life. This happens side by side of a wider incorporation of the corresponding conceptions of formation and knowledge. Are suggested some of the possible implications about that incorporationrelated, about all things, to the teacher formation in music and the researchs in this area.