We study elasticity of spontaneously orientationally-ordered amorphous solids, characterized by a vanishing transverse shear modulus, as realized for example by nematic elastomers and gels. We show that local heterogeneities and elastic nonlinearities conspire to lead to anomalous nonlocal universal elasticity controlled by a nontrivial infrared fixed point. Namely, at long scales, such solids are characterized by universal shear and bending moduli that, respectively, vanish and diverge at long scales, are universally incompressible and exhibit a universal negative Poisson ratio and a non-Hookean elasticity down to arbitrarily low strains. Based on expansion about five dimensions, we argue that the nematic order is stable to thermal fluctuation and local heterogeneities down to d lc < 3.Liquid crystal elastomers and gels -weakly crosslinked networks of liquid crystal polymers -combine the electro-optic response and thermodynamic phase behavior of liquid crystals with the mechanical advantages of solids, such as rubber and plastics. They therefore hold considerable technological potential. These materials exhibit rich interplay between orientational order and network elasticity that leads to many unusual properties not found in conventional liquid crystals or in conventional rubber [1]. The most striking of these is the vanishing stress, σ ij in response to a finite strain, u ij applied transversely to the spontaneous[2] uniaxial distortion that develops below the isotropic-nematic (IN) transition. Much progress had been made in understanding these materials both from the neo-classical theory of rubber [1] and from more general symmetry-based elastic formulation [3,4]. Many of the intriguing properties of nematic elastomers can be traced back to the existence of novel nemato-elastic Goldstone mode [5,6], associated with a spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry [3,4] of the amorphous polymer matrix. Although considerable progress had been made [1], most of the analyses had been limited to mean-field treatments. We have recently developed a fully nonlinear elastic theory of nematic elastomers [7], that, for one, allows us to assess the effects of thermal fluctuations [8]. Furthermore, while statistically homogeneous and isotropic[2], elastomers are locally quite heterogeneous [9]. It is essential to study the role that network heterogeneity plays in determining macroscopic properties of liquid crystal elastomers, and this is the goal of the present Letter.We find that on scales longer than ξ z N L ∼ K 2 /∆, (with K an effective Frank nematic modulus and ∆ a measure of heterogeneity) even arbitrarily weak heterogeneity qualitatively modifies liquid crystal and elastic properties of a nematic elastomer relative to those of the ideal homogeneous and isotropic one [3,4]. In particular we find that macroscopically a nematic elastomer exhibits a nonlocal elasticity, characterized by shear moduli, that vanish as universal power-laws of system size, implying a host of exotic elastic behavior: (1) a nonHookean elastici...