“…EMRD, mandatory market risk disclosures scaled by maximum expected score, which reflects the extent of disclosure; QMRD , mandatory market risk disclosures based on risk coverage , which measures the quality of disclosure; CG_Index , corporate governance index based on 15 attributes based on Al‐Hadi et al (); FEMALE_DIR , presence of female director on the board, otherwise 0; SIZE , natural logarithm of firm's market capitalization; LEV, leverage of the firm, measured as total short‐ and long‐term asset scaled by lagged total asset; BM , book value to market value ratio; ROA, return of asset; AUDIT , audit quality based on Big 4 audit firms; news, good news if firm has higher current earnings per share than last year; AGE , natural log of age of the firm, measured as the log of the difference between current year and year of establishment of the firm; FAMILY , presence of family director represents family ownership on the board; GOV, presence of government director represents government ownership on the board; MCAPDEV , market development, measured as total stock market capitalization of each country divided by total gross domestic products (GDP) in year t ; BoardS, natural logarithm of the board size; GOV_FAC, factor analysis of country investor protection index (which covers extent of director liability and ease of shareholders' suit directors and managers) and country level governance (which covers regulatory quality and control of corruption); SD, standard deviation.…”