“…Protein synthesis in the mammalian brain can be disrupted by various means. Such diverse treatments as electroconvulsive shock (Metafora et al, 1977;Wasterlain, 1977), cerebral hypoxia and ischemia (Cooper et al, 1977; Morimoto et al, 1978), amino acid imbalances (Taub and Johnson, 1975;Roberts and Morelos, 1976; Hughes and Johnson, 1977), alterations in catecholamine metabolism (Weiss et al, 1971(Weiss et al, , 1972(Weiss et al, , 1973; Moskowitz et al, 1975Moskowitz et al, , 1977, and intravenous administration of the psychotropic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) Brown, 1976, 1977;Heikkila et al, 1979) have been shown to result in disaggregation of brain poiysomes and in an inhibition of incor-poration of amino acids into brain proteins. Although it has been suggested that many of these treatments induce a decreased rate of reinitiation of protein synthesis, few precise studies have been carried out on the mechanism of inhibition of brain protein synthesis.…”