The interest in the experience of legislative solutions to problems connected with the design and development of legal institutions in environmental protection in foreign countries, at first glance, is not directly related to the study of the laws of functioning and development of this legal institution. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that such an interest appears as rather justified and even logical, if one is to proceed, firstly, from general ideas about the development of land legislation in the context of globalisation, and secondly, if one is to consider the desire of countries to more widely implement global and European standards of environmental policies and rights and approaches to environmental protection in general. The purpose of this article is determined by the identification the main problems of land protection legislation in the field of and form on their basis the effective system of environmental regulation, combining administrative and legislative instruments with economic, regulatory and market mechanisms. Analysis of international legal acts is used as the leading research method. It was determined that the positive experience in foreign countries related to the legal regulation of relations in legal protection of the environment allows transferring the theoretical ideas about the legal structures existing in other countries to the practical plane, which, in turn, allow to optimally regulate the appropriate circle of public relations, taking into consideration the relevant historical traditions, the internal structure of national legislation, the features of the development of environmental legislation of the respective country. The concept of protecting land from pollution by hazardous substances and ways of improving and adapting legislation in the field of waste management were proposed. The practical significance of the study is determined by the need to integrate the land legislation industry into national environmental legislation.