Due to their interesting architectural solution, Yaodong underground buildings seem to offer a balance between the natural and created parameters of the locations (on the one side) and ambient comfort (on the other side). In the first part of the paper, the Yaodong concept is defined (time of creation, geographical origin, categorization, the spatial organization of the interior, geometrical characteristics, etc.). In the second part of the work, the Authors develop a concrete model (in the Google SketchUp software) of the traditional Yaodong underground building, and then simulate (in the EnergyPlus software) the consumption of final and primary energy in the same, while using a weather file for the city of Kragujevac. Although this type of construction is characteristic of northwestern China, the authors think that the mentioned construction design can be of national importance, especially when taking into account the fact that the consumption of final (and primary) energy of the last year at its peak, which also applies to the residential sector.