Objective: The goal of this Delphi survey was to obtain the opinion of the chief/head administrators of nationally recognized award-winning Long-Term Care (LTC) nursing homes in the U.S. regarding previously established Oral Neglect in Institutionalized Elderly (ONiIE) timelines.Results: Only two of the 56 invited expert panelists completed Round 1 of this ONiIE Delphi survey, despite the use of several methodologic approaches to facilitate their participation. Despite their impeccable credentials as dedicated, highly accomplished administrators of LTC nursing facilities across the U.S., this pool of potential chief/head LTC administrators panelists (unlike previously surveyed national expert panels of other key stakeholders, such as academic geriatric dentists, physician and nurses) abrogated their professional responsibility to the vulnerable elderly under their care by, essentially, refusing to participate in this survey, i.e., by refusing to ‘voice their opinion’ as one key stakeholder in this much needed discussion.