If F is an automorphism of Ω n , the n 2 -dimensional spectral unit ball, we show that, in a neighborhood of any cyclic matrix of Ω n , the map F can be written as conjugation by a holomorphically varying non singular matrix. This provides a shorter proof of a theorem of J. Rostand, with a slightly stronger result.
BackgroundLet M n be the set of all n × n complex matrices. For A ∈ M n denote by sp(A) the spectrum of A. The spectral ball Ω n is the setLet F be an automorphism of Ω n , that is to say, a biholomorphic map of the spectral ball into itself. Ransford and White [6] proved that, by composing with a natural lifting of a Möbius map of the disk, one could reduce oneself to the case where F (0) = 0, and that in that case the linear map F (0) was a linear automorphism of Ω n , so that by composing with its inverse, one is reduced to the case F (0) = 0, F (0) = I (the identity map). We then say that the automorphism if normalized. Ransford and White [6] proved that such automorphisms preserve the spectrum of matrices.We say that two matrices X, Y are conjugate if there exists Q ∈ M −1 n such that X = Q −1 Y Q.