Motivated by work of Gent and Lindley [3], a rigorous treatment of cavitation in finite elasticity was first given by Ball [2] in a fundamental paper, and subsequently by a number of authors [4,10,12,16] (see also [ 1 ] for aelotropic materials and [9] for the dynamic problem). The setting for these works is a ball of initially perfect material which is held in a state of tension under prescribed radial loads or displacements on the boundary. It is known that under appropriate assumptions on the stored energy function, there exist weak solutions to the equilibrium equations of elasticity in which a cavity forms at the centre of the ball (see, e.g., [2,12,16]). For the displacement boundary value problem, if X represents the radius of the deformed ball, it can be shown that these cavitating solutions bifurcate from the initially stable homogeneous deformation at a critical boundary displacement X = Acrit (at which point the homogeneous deformation loses stability). Analogously, for the traction problem, bifurcation to a deformation with a cavity occurs at a critical value of the applied Cauchy load Pcril (see [2] for a discussion of stability).In Sees. 1 and 2 of this paper we prove convergence of these critical loads and displacements in the incompressible limit.Consider a hyperelastic body occupying the region B = {X e R3 : |X < 1}. With any deformation u: B -> R3 of the ball, we associate an energywhere W is the stored energy function of the material and characterises the material response. We consider, initially, a class of stored energy functions of the form Wk(F) = Winc{F) + h(k, deiF-1) WF e M3x\ k e (0, kQ),where Wmc is the stored energy function of an incompressible material and h is a compressibility term with the property that h{k, 3) -► oo as k -> 0 if S ± 0.