Abstract. The χ 2 -principle generalizes the Morozov discrepancy principle to the augmented residual of the Tikhonov regularized least squares problem. For weighting of the data fidelity by a known Gaussian noise distribution on the measured data and, when the stabilizing, or regularization, term is considered to be weighted by unknown inverse covariance information on the model parameters, the minimum of the Tikhonov functional becomes a random variable that follows a χ 2 -distribution with m + p − n degrees of freedom for the model matrix G of size m × n and regularizer L of size p × n.Here it is proved that the result holds for the underdetermined case, m < n provided that m + p ≥ n and that the null spaces of the operators do not intersect. A Newton root-finding algorithm is used to find the regularization parameter α which yields the optimal inverse covariance weighting in the case of a white noise assumption on the mapped model data. It is implemented for small-scale problems using the generalized singular value decomposition, or singular value decomposition when L = I. Numerical results verify the algorithm for the case of regularizers approximating zero to second order derivative approximations, contrasted with the methods of generalized cross validation and unbiased predictive risk estimation. The inversion of underdetermined 2D focusing gravity data produces models with non-smooth properties, for which typical implementations in this field use the iterative minimum support stabilizer and both regularizer and regularizing parameter are updated each iteration. For a simulated data set with noise, the regularization parameter estimation methods for underdetermined data sets are used in this iterative framework, also contrasted with the L-curve and the Morozov Discrepancy principle. These experiments demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the χ 2 -principle in this context, moreover showing that the L-curve and Morozov Discrepancy Principle are outperformed in general by the three other techniques. Furthermore, the minimum support stabilizer is of general use for the χ 2 -principle when implemented without the desirable knowledge of a mean value of the model.