Objective of the study: The purpose of this article was to identify the elements to be considered for boosting innovation by the corporate governances, though. Methodology/approach: It is a literature review, based on the Scopus database, relating the constructs corporate governance and innovation, generating 435 documents in total, using 253 documents imported into the Mendeley application and resulting in 26 documents with effective contributions on governance and innovation.Originality/relevance: The study differs in that it relates corporate governance to the innovation of organizations.Main results: The results show that corporate governance has a positive influence on the innovation of organizations, but it is necessary to adapt to the context of each organization and the innovation characteristics of the sector. The first element to be considered is the presence of innovation in the organization's strategy and policies, followed by the commitment, strategic posture and competence of the board for innovation, adaptation of the governance structure, effective management of key competencies for innovation, investment in research and development, financing of innovation and technology, control over investments in innovation and management of risks inherent to innovation.Theoretical/methodological contributions: The study contributes to the advancement of knowledge by presenting the elements to be considered to boost innovation by corporate governance.Social/management contributions: It is also indicated that there is an effective management of its key competences for innovation, mapping them and ensuring that the governance structure promotes an environment conducive to their development, in addition to investments in RD and financing for innovation and technology.