Proper cytokine gene expression is essential in development, homeostasis, and immune responses. Studies on the transcriptional control of cytokine genes have mostly focused on highly researched transcription factors (TFs) and cytokines, resulting in an incomplete portrait of cytokine gene regulation. Here, we use enhanced yeast one-hybrid (eY1H) assays to derive a comprehensive network comprising 1,380 interactions between 265TFs and 108 cytokine gene promoters, greatly expanding the known repertoire of TFcytokine gene interactions. We found an enrichment of nuclear receptors and confirmed their role in cytokine regulation in primary macrophages. Additionally, we used the eY1Hderived network as a framework to identify pairs of TFs that synergistically modulate cytokine gene expression, and to identify novel TF-cytokine regulatory axes in immune diseases and immune cell lineage development. Overall, the eY1H data provides a rich resource to study cytokine regulation in a variety of physiological and disease contexts. 8 High Fidelity (ThermoFisher) from a pool of human genomic DNA (Clonetech). PCR products were Gateway cloned into the pDONR P1-P4 vector and entry clones were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Then DNA-baits were Gateway cloned upstream of two reporter genes (HIS3 and LacZ) and both reporter constructs were integrated into the yeast genome to generate chromatinized DNA-bait strains (Deplancke et al., 2006a;Deplancke et al., 2006b). Yeast DNA-bait strains were confirmed by Sanger sequencing.DNA-bait strains were mated with an array of 1,086 TF-prey yeast strains expressing human TFs fused to the yeast Gal4 activation domain (AD) (Fuxman Bass et al., 2015).Matings were performed using a Singer Rotor robotic platform that manipulates yeast strains in a 1,536-colony format. An interaction was detected when a TF-prey binds the DNA-bait and the AD moiety activates reporter gene expression, allowing the mated yeast to grow on media lacking histidine, overcome the addition of 3-amino-triazole (3AT), a competitive inhibitor of the His3p enzyme, and convert the colorless X-gal into a blue compound. Each interaction was tested in quadruplicate and interactions were considered positive if at least two of the four mated colonies tested positively (>90% of detected interactions tested positively for all four colonies).Images of mated colonies on plates lacking histidine and containing 3AT and Xgal were processed using the Mybrid web-tool to detect positive interactions (Reece-Hoyes et al., 2013). Positive interactions detected by Mybrid were then manually checked and curated. False positives detected by Mybrid, which typically occur on plates with uneven background, were removed. False negatives missed by Mybrid, which typically occur when baits exhibit high background reporter gene expression or when interactions occur next to very strong positives, were included. A total of high-quality 1,380 PDIs 9 between 265 TFs and 108 cytokine promoters were included in the final dataset (Table S3). The eY1H interactions...