We report on measurements of mass and total decay width of the W boson and of triple-gauge-boson couplings, WW and ZWW, with the L3 detector at LEP. W-pair events produced in e + e interactions between 161 GeV and 172 GeV centreof-mass energy are selected in a data sample corresponding to a total luminosity of 21.2 pb 1 . The mass and total decay width of the W boson are determined to be M W = 80:75 +0:26 0:27 (exp:) 0:03 (LEP) GeV and W = 1:74 +0:88 0:78 (stat:) 0:25 (syst:) G e V, respectively. Limits on anomalous triple-gauge-boson couplings, WW and ZWW, are determined, in particular 1:5 < Z < 1 : 9 (95% CL), excluding vanishing ZWW coupling at more than 95% condence level.
Submitted to Phys. Lett. B 1 IntroductionFor the 1996 data taking period, the centre-of-mass energy, p s, of the e + e collider LEP at CERN was increased to 161 GeV, 170 GeV and 172 GeV. This allowed for the rst time the pair-production of on-shell W bosons in e + e interactions, e + e ! W + W . Analysis of Wpair production adds important knowledge to the Standard Model of electroweak interactions [1] through the measurements of mass and width of the W boson and of the triple-gauge-boson couplings WW and ZWW [2,3]. These parameters were rst measured at p p colliders [4{6].The total W-pair production cross section as calculated within the Standard Model depends on p s and on the mass and total width of the W boson, M W and W . Results for M W derived from total cross section measurements have been published by L3 [7, 8] and the other LEP experiments [9,10]. In this letter a more precise determination of M W and a rst determination of W is presented based on the invariant mass of the W-boson decay products.To lowest order within the Standard Model, three Feynman diagrams contribute to Wpair production, the s-channel and Z-boson exchange and the t-channel e exchange. The s-channel diagrams arise as a consequence of the triple-gauge-boson vertices WW and ZWW which are expected due to the non-Abelian gauge structure of the electroweak theory [1,3]. Results for triple-gauge-boson couplings derived from the data collected at p s = 161 GeV h a v e been published by L3 [7, 11] and the other LEP experiments [10,12]. Here a determination of triple-gauge-boson couplings is presented based on total and dierential cross sections in W-pair mediated four-fermion production.The L3 detector is described in detail in Reference 13. During the 1996 run the L3 detector collected total integrated luminosities of 10.9 pb 1 at p s = 161:34 GeV (threshold data), and 1.0 pb 1 and 9.3 pb 1 at p s = 170:31 GeV and at p s = 172:32 GeV (high-energy data). These centre-of-mass energies are known to 0:06 GeV [14]. The results obtained at threshold and from the high-energy data are combined to determine the mass of the W boson and triplegauge-boson couplings.
Analysis of Four-Fermion ProductionThe W boson decays into a quark-antiquark pair, such a s W ! ud or cs, or a lepton-antilepton pair, W !` `(`= e ; ; ); in the following denoted as qq,` or f f in general fo...