It has been hypothesised that drugs in the chemical space "beyond the rule of 5" (bRo5) must behavea smolecular chameleons to combine otherwisec onflicting properties, including aqueous solubility,c ell permeability and target binding. Evidence for this has, however,b een limited to the cyclic peptidec yclosporine A. Herein, we show that the non-peptidic and macrocyclic drugs roxithromycin, telithromycin and spiramycin behave as molecular chameleons, with rifampicin showing al ess pronounced behaviour.I n particular roxithromycin, telithromycin and spiramycin display am arked, yet limited flexibility and populate signifi-cantly less polar and more compact conformational ensembles in an apolart han in ap olar environment. In addition to balancingo fm embrane permeability and aqueous solubility, this flexibility also allows binding to targetst hat vary in structure between species. The drugs' passivec ell permeability correlates to their 3D polar surface area and corroborate two theoretical models for permeability,d eveloped for cyclic peptides. We conclude that molecular chameleonicity should be incorporated in the design of orally administered drugs in the bRo5 space.[a] Dr.