The most characteristic high-energy phenomena in the Galactic center (GC) region is the presence of strong K-shell emission lines from highly ionized Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe and Ni, which form the Galactic Center X-ray Emission (GCXE). These multiple lines suggest that the GCXE is composed of at least two plasmas with temperatures of ∼1 and∼7 keV. The GCXE also exhibits the K-shell lines from neutral Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe and Ni atoms. A debatable issue is the origin of the GCXE plasma; whether it is a diffuse plasma or integrated emission of many unresolved point sources such as cataclysmic variables and active binaries. Detailed spectroscopy for these lines may provide a reliable picture of the GCXE plasma. The origin of the K-shell lines from neutral atoms is most likely the fluorescence by X-rays from a putative past flare of Sgr A * . Therefore ASTRO-H may provide unprecedented data for the past light curve of Sgr A * . All these lines may provide key information for the dynamics of the GCXE, using possible Doppler shift and/or line broadening. This paper overviews these line features and the previous interpretation of their origin. We propose extended or revised science with the ASTRO-H observations of some select objects in the GC region.