Iron oxide is a key compound to understand the state of the deep Earth. It has been believed that previously known oxides such as FeO and Fe2O3 will be dominant at the mantle conditions. However, the recent observation of FeO2 shed another light to the composition of the deep lower mantle (DLM) [1] and thus understanding of the physical properties of FeO2 will be critical to model DLM. Here, we report the electronic structure and structural properties of FeO2 by using density functional theory (DFT) and dynamic mean field theory (DMFT). The crystal structure of FeO2 is composed of Fe 2+ and O
2− 2dimers, where the Fe ions are surrounded by the octahedral O atoms. We found that the bond length of O2 dimer, which is very sensitive to the change of Coulomb interaction U of Fe 3d orbitals, plays an important role in determining the electronic structures. The band structures of DFT+DMFT show that the metal-insulator transition is driven by the change of U and pressure. We suggest that the correlation effect should be considered to correctly describe the physical properties of FeO2 compound. , are also discovered under the high pressure and temperature. Recently FeO 2 , which holds an excessive amount of oxygen, is identified with both first-principles calculation and experiment near 76 GPa [1]. This new iron oxide receives a great attention because it suggests an alternative scernario for describing geochemical anomalies in the lower mantle and the Great Oxidation Event. Thus, it is important to understand the correct electronic and structural properties of FeO 2 .FeO 2 possesses a FeS 2 -type pyrite structure. The crystal structure of FeX 2 (X = O or S) can be obtained by replacing X atom in B1 type FeX with X 2 dimer. FeO and FeS show a spin-state transition accompanied with Mott-type insulator to metal transition under high pressure [4][5][6][7][8]. However, FeS 2 is a non-magnetic compound where the six Fe d electrons occupy the t 2g ground states [8][9][10][11]. NiS 1−x Se x also has a same crystal structure with FeO 2 . It exhibits a complex phase diagram including MIT and magnetic phase transition depending on composition x, temperature, and pressure due to partially filled e g orbital [12,13]. Several previous studies have reported that the p orbitals of S 2 dimer play an important role in describing electronic structures of this compounds [12,13]. So we can expect that O 2 dimer may also be an driving factor for determining electronic and physical properties of FeO 2 .It is well known that standard density functional theory (DFT) fails to reproduce the physical properties and the electronic structures of many TMO compounds because electron correlation effect of d orbitals cannot be described properly. Alternatively, DFT+U which includes the correlation effect of localized orbitals such as 3d gives better results for structural properties, magnetic moments, and electronic structures. Dynamic Mean Field Theory (DMFT) has been believed to be a more advanced technique which deals with local electronic correlatio...